Christian Appalachian Project has Critical Need for Camp Counselors

WHAT: Summer camps in need of counselors

WHERE: Camp AJ, Jackson County, Kentucky and Camp Shawnee, Floyd County, Kentucky

ABOUT: Each summer Christian Appalachian Project (CAP) hosts two summer camps for Appalachian youth. These camps provide opportunities for children ages 6-15 to experience a week of residential camp. CAP is in critical need of camp counselors (ages 18-25) to serve Appalachian youth this summer. Without 10 additional counselors, services will have to be reduced due to safety ratios for the number of children to adult leaders. This may mean that less than half of children who regularly attend camp will be able to have this experience. There is a particular need for male counselors to serve throughout the year, but especially during weeks that focus on boys.

Without an adequate number of counselors, as many as 200 children in Appalachia will not experience the joys and magic of summer camp.

Room and board, a stipend, travel reimbursement, and an educational award are available for camp counselors through AmeriCorps. Please help us ensure Appalachian children have a chance to experience summer camp.

To apply, visit